From a radiological standpoint the Eneu groundwater also looks good, and

137cg is not a problem.

Although initially 90sy limits were exceeded in

several wells, by 1977 all wells except FWR 6 had acceptable 90s; levels.

Samples were collected in May 1984 for 90s, analysis, and the results when

available should provide an up-to-date picture of radioactivity levels in Eneu


Groundwater data from Bikini and Eneu Islands are limited to only about the
top meter of the groundwater body, and except for the most recent sampling
period in May 1984, little data have been collected that define seasonal

changes in the groundwater body.

In order to make a reliable quantitative

estimate of the groundwater development potential for these islands, additional
data are required that better define the vertical, areal and seasonal

distribution of groundwater.

The extent and quality of groundwater on the smaller islands in the Bikini
Atoll is not known at all. However, based on experience elsewhere in the
Marshall Islands, it seems unlikely that any significant quantity of potable
groundwater persists on these islands for any length of time, especially
through periods of drought, because of their small size and the moderate
amounts of rainfall they receive.

To summarize, the amount of groundwater available for development on Bikini

Atoll is not well known at this time, however, it most certainly would be
limited. No potable groundwater is thought to exist on the small outer

islands, and the salinity of groundwater on Bikini Island during periods of
drought appears to be marginal for drinking purposes. From a radiological
standpoint, Bikini Island groundwater does not meet drinking water standards.
From both a salinity and radiological consideration, a potable groundwater
body exists on Eneu Island. Its size is undetermined, but data collected to

date suggest it may be capable of supplying the drinking water needs of a
population of 200-250 during periods of drought when surface water supplies
are not available.

References Cited

Emery, K.0., Tracey, J.I., and Ladd, H.S., 1954, Geology of Bikini and Nearby
Atolls, U.S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 260-A.

McMurtry, G.M., Colin, P.L., Schneider, R.C., Buddemeier, R.W., and Suchanek,
T.H., in press, Redistribution of Fallout Radionuclides in Enewetak Lagoon

Sediments by Callianassid Bioturbation.

Noshkin, V.E., Robison, W.L., Wong, K.M., and Eagle, R.J., Evaluation of the
Radiological Quality cf the Water on Bikini and Eneu Islands in 1975:
Dose Assessment Based on Initial Sampling, Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory Rpt UCRL-51879, Part 4.

U.S. Geological Survey Memorandum to file, 1972, Water Resources
Investigation - Bikini Island, Bikini Atoll, Marshall Istands.
Von Arx, W.S., 1954, Circulation Systems of Bikini and Rongelap Lagoons, U.S.
Geological Survey Prof. Paper 260-B.


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