The major socioeconomic effect of the alternatives involving excavation of

soils will be the ability of the islanders to resettle Bikini, but only after
a delay of one to ten years (depending on the type of crop) before the
subsistence crops of value to the islanders are fully reestablished. After

soil excavation, fertilizing and conditioning of soil and pianting programs
will be required. Although some crops (melons, sweet corn) can be established
quickly, the replanting of coconuts and breadfruit will require more time for
the trees to reach maturity and bear fruit.. However, the islanders could
still be allowed to return to Bikini earlier if some crops are established
quickly and if fresh foods are shipped or flown in from off-atoil during the
replanting and regrowth of the longer maturing subsistence crops.
The excavation alternatives will also result in a loss of much of the
historic vegetation, some cultural sites, and some of the natural features as
remembered by the isjianders prior to their evacuation from the atoll in 1946
and after extensive cleanup operations in the early 1970's.



Additional environmental studies, as noted earlier, a more comprehensive
review of the available literature, and direct communication and extensive
dialogue with the Bikini islanders should also be accomplished prior to
preparation of an EIS for the rehabilitation and resettlement of Bikini. The
Studies should include limited field studies on archaeology, botany,
circulation, marine blology, and vegetation; and analysis of air quality,
water quality, and nealth physics requirements. Funds have been requested by
the Committee to support the preparation of a draft ELS and environmenta!
supporting studies.



Bikini Atoll Rehabilitation Committee.


Report No. 7:

Resettlement of

Bikini Atoll, Feasibility and Estimated Cost of Meeting the Federal

Radiation Protection Standards, and Appendices, in preparation.

Colin, P. L., T. H. Suchanek, and G. McMurtry, in press. Water pumping and
particulate resuspension by callianassids (Crustacea: Thalassinidea)
at Enewetak and Bikini Atolls, Marshall Islands.
Wells, J. W. 1954. Recent Corals of the Marshall Islands, Bikini, and
nearby atolls. U.S. Geological Survey prof. paper 260-1:385-486.



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