Open lagoon or open ocean disposal of excavated soils can also affect the
ecology of pelagic and coral reef ecosystems via smothering, burial, loss of
light and other factors. Furthermore, the sediment plumes from disposal
operations can move down current and disrupt adjacent productive ecosystems.

As noted previously, bagging of soil prior to disposal or disposal into
confined bomb craters offers ways to reduce or eliminate significant impacts.
Preliminary observations at Bravo and other large craters indicate coral reef

and fish recovery has been very low since the cessation of testing nearly
30 years ago. Thus, disposal of soil in these craters has the advantage of
confining impacts to reef environments heavily degraded and unrecovered from

previous stresses. The elimination of dredging and causeway construction as
part of the cleanup options would reduce considerably the overall effect of
the entire program on marine ecosystems.



Although Bikini and Eneu Islands were extensively disturbed in the past,
it is possible that archaeological sites may stil] exist there, in the absence
of previous archaeological study at the atoll. Alternatives involving

disturbance of soil or groundcover has the potential to affect significant
unrecorded archaeological sites.

Known important cultural sites such as the

cemetery should be flagged and fenced during construction to avoid any


Historically significant bunkers, buildings, monuments, etc., can

also be identified and protected.

Since little information on the archaeology

of Bikini exists in the literature, surveys would be required for Bikini and
other islands where beach, soil, and vegetation removal or disturbance are
contemplated. Impacts to historically significant shipwrecks and the sacred
patch reef in Bikini lagoon are not expected from the cleanup operations as
contemplated at this time.



Evaluation of the socioeconomic consequences of the cleanup can only be
superficially examined at this time. The major beneficial social effect of

the rehabilitation of Bikini soils would be facilitating the safe and earlier

resettlenent of the atoll by the Bikini islanders. However, there would also
be other socioeconomic effects, depending upon which alternative cleanup
option is pursued. Implementation of resettlement with dietary controls or
phased resettlement would allow an earlier return of the islanders compared to
the other alternatives. Delayed resettlement, on the other hand, would place

Bikini Island off limits to the islanders for 80 years.

Phased resettlement

involving an initial resettlement of islanders to Eneu Island may require

leases, real estate agreements, or other arrangements to allow Bikini

islanders to live on Eneu who do not own land on Eneu. Alternatives that do
not hasten the return of the islanders to Bikini Island wil be unpopular or
unacceptable to them. Since they will be the beneficiaries of a cleanup
program, it is logical that the views of the islanders be given great weight
prior to the decision on the scope of the cleanup.

The alternative involving extension of Bikini Island along the seaward

side would destroy a large section of a sandy beach that may be important to
the Bikinians.
If the beach is of recreational, cultural, or aesthetic value,

a new beach can be designed and reestablished on the seaward side, as a part
of the Bikini [sland extension plan.



Select target paragraph3