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Birds and Sea Turtles.

A number of nesting and migratory seabirds were

reported on all islands, especially on the outer smaller islets in May 1984.
Breeding populations of the Brown Noddy and White Tern were reported commonly

on all islands.

Less common were breeding populations of the Greater Frigate,

seen on the larger of the outer islets with nests in taller shrubs and trees.
The least common nesting seabirds included a few Red-footed Boobies principally
on the larger southern islets, Brown Boobies on Enidrik, Lukoj, and Nam Islets,
Red-tailed Tropic Birds on Nam, and Reef Herons in bunkers and abandoned

houses on Nam and Eneu.

A few migratory ducks of unknown species were seen

Bristle-thighed Curlew.

The composition and population size of seabirds and

from a distance on the freshwater Jake in the center of Lomilik Istet. The
most common migratory shorebirds observed were the Ruddy Turnstone and the
shorebirds at Bikini will vary according to season, and many species not

reported during the May 1984 field trip occupy the atoll at other times.
Both the Hawksbill] Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) a Federal

endangered species, and the Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Federal
threatened species were reported during the field survey. Although only a few

Hawksbills were seen, a great number of Green Turtles were seen, nearly in al}

lagoon waters surveyed.
In addition, recent turtle tracks were seen on
expansive white sand beaches off the west side of Enidrik and Bikini Islands,

which may be evidence of turtle nesting activity.

A number of the lagoon

Shorelines of many of the atoll islands, especially the outer islets, have
thick gently sloping white sand beaches and berms potentially suitable as
nesting sites. Many of the turtles in the lagoon were probably feeding on
green algae. Recent evidence of turtle predation by a tiger shark off Bikini
Istand was reported by several of the crew of the Liktanur, a research vessel.


The vegetation of the islands of the atoll is dominated by

indigenous species typical of many semi-arid coral islands and atolls of the

Western Pacific.

The degree of present vegetational development on each

island is’a product of recent disturbance (or its absence} from natural and
man-made factors and prevailing climate. Except for Bikini, Eneu, and the

southwest islets of the atoll]

(west of Lukoj), the abundance, diversity and

vigor of the atoll's vegetation seems reduced, possibly due to recent
droughts, recent damage from storm wave overwash and winds, and the residual

effect of previous weapons testing and construction activity.

The small islets on the southwest side of the atoll (Lukoj, Jalete,

Adrikan, Oroken, Bokaetoktok, and Bokdrolul) appear undisturbed and covered
with mature healthy forests characterized by Pisonia, Messerschmidia,
Pandanus, Pemphis, Cordia and Cocos. The vegetation of the islets on the
southeast sector (Aerokojlol, Bikdrin, Lele, Eneman, and Enidrik) appears more
disturbed and less developed. There was still residual evidence of previous
construction or weapons testing there, and of recent wave and typhoon damage.
The ocean reefs of these islets are also very narrow, affording these tow
islets little protection from storms approaching the atoll] from the south.
The most common species there included the shrubs Scaevola and Messerschmidia,
the vine Ipomoea, and the grass Lepturus.


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