+ cont.


9.44. Lagoon
dispasal of sail


Temporary impacts to water

column and benthic eco-


Migration of turbidity and

Locate disposal site where currents

valuable ecological areas

valuable ecosystems

will not carry plumes toward

suspended sediments toward

Temporary water quality
impacts and sedimentation

Disposal in semi-confined craters

Disturbance or destruction
of important coral and
fish habitat

Aggravated shoreline ero-

Minimize causeway width and length

ches and along causeway
Ciguatera fish paotsoning
outbreaks at sites of
causeway construction

currents (armor rock, filter clath)
Monitor toxic algae and fish and
warn islanders if and when fish


potential soil disposal

additional radioactivity

° Permanent loss of coral and
subsistence fishery habitat

under the causeway

Loss and potential poisoning

of fish
Disturbance to additional
reef habitat from circulation changes
Ecological and water quality
disturbance from heavy
equipment operation and

other construction activity
Decreased circulation and
degraded water quality in


eastern Bikini lagoon

Reduced migration of shellfish
and finfish between ocean and
lagoon side of causeway
Due to high volume of

Proper design of shoreline of
causeway to prevent erosion from

sion near island approa-

and quarrying

paisoning is imminent
Place armor rock and filter cloth
° prior to filling operations
Use heavy equipment that minimizes

Major turbidity and sedimentation during filling opera-

Significant blockage of
circulation and stagnation
in the eastern lagoon
Significant blockage of
migratory routes of


Select construction corridors and


truct a causeway
between Bikini &
Eneu [slands

Conduct current and model studies to

access points to minimize impacts

estimate maqnitude of impact and

need for culverts and bridges
Install many culverts and large

aquatic species

Loss of valuable habitat
at quarry sites


armor rock requirements,
loss and disturbance of reef

bridge openings at reqular
intervals along the causeway
Locate quarry sites away from sandy
areas and valuable coral areas

Design quarry holes to enhance

flat habitat at quarry sites

Causeway instability during
major storms, causing
additional sedimentation

fishery populations

tilling, mixing or place-

obtained (sites not yet

ment of soil, fertilizers,
or conditioners, that may


9.8.9. Bredg-

be excessive
Unspecified impacts at
site where soi! obtained

Turbidity and sedimentation

ing lagoon
sediments as a
source of soil

Dust control measures,
Measures may be needed
impacts once the site
techniques to collect
soil are identified

Oust emissions during

Unspecified impacts at the site
where replacement soil is

sedimentation basins on land to
prevent overflow and damage to

causing significant ecolo.gical damage at discharge

lic dredge or at clamsheil/

end af hydraulic dredge
Significant damage or
destruction of coral, fish
and shellfish habitat at
dredging sites
Ciguatera fish poisoning

bucket dredge site

Damage and destruction of
reef or lagoon floor habitat
at dredge sites
Loss and poisoning of fish

aquatic resources

Use silt curtains at dredging site
Locate dredging sites away from
valuable coral and fish areas

Locate dredging sites where
currents will not carry plumes to
valuable areas
4onttor toxic alqae and fish and warn
islanders if and when fish
poisoning is imminent
Minimize replacement fill and
associated dredging requirements

outbreaks at dredge and


discharge sites

9.8.9. Dredging lagoon


Turbidity and sedimentation


at cutterhead end of hydrau-

gical damage at discharge
end af hydraulic dredge

bucket dredge site
Damage and destruction of

Significant damage or
destruction of coral,

reef or lagoon floor habitat


at dredge sites

Loss and poisoning of fish

Turbidity and sedimentation
causing significant ecolo-

lic dredge or at clamshell/

sediments as a
source of soil



and shelifish habitat at
dredging sites
Ciguatera Fish poisoning
outbreaks at dredge and
discharge sites

as needed
to control

Convey discharge sturry into

Turbidity and sedimentation

at cutterhead end of hydrau-


9.B. Replacement of Soil
9.8). Off-atoll
sources of soi}
conditioners or


Exposing food chain ta

Dredging access ways to

9.As. Cons-

such as Bravo

Use turbidity curtains during
disposa! operations
Bag, solidify or otherwise
immobilize sot! prior to disposal
Locate disposal sites away from
valuable coral and fish habitat,
preferably over radioactive “hot
Chocse sites where dredging and
filling for access is not required




Convey discharge slurry into
sedimentation basins on land to
prevent overflow and damage to
aquatic resources

Use silt curtains at dredqing site
Locate dredging sites away from

valuable coral and fish areas
Locate dredging sites where
currents will not carry olumes. to
valuable areas
Monitor taxic algae and fish and warn
‘islanders if and when fish

poisoning i$ imtinent

Minimize replacement fil} and

associated dredging requirements


Select target paragraph3