place after the first 1 or 2 years after deposition®’”.


in 1967 the scil samples indicate most of the activity is
still in the first inch of soil we can probably discount
weathering as an important factor in lowering the exposure

rates on Bikini Island.
The levels on Nam and on some of
the other larger complexes, where *°eo and other relatively
short-lived isotcpes are the major contributors, although
at present in general higher on the average than Bikini
Island, will decrease more rapidly and in a few ©°co halflives will probably exhibit levels generally much lower than
Bikini Island.
Since the scil on some of these islands

contain very little organic material, weathering may result

in an even more rapid decrease in exposure rates.
Thus, the
levels on Bikini island itself are likely to be the limiting
factor in assessing the long term hazards to any future
population living on the atoll and centered on Bikini Island.
The consistency of the various portable detector,
ionization chamber, TLD, and spectrometer results indicate
we have obtained a reliable and comprehensive picture of the

external gamma radiaticn environment or the atoll.
The soil
sample results, aithcugh nct as consistent with the other
data as could be desired due to the problems of obtaining

representative samples in a very inhomogenecus distribution,

do nevertheless substantiate the fieid spectrometric
predictions as tc the relative importance of various emitters
in the soil.
The importance of the fteid spectrometric
measurements in expanding and increasing the information of

the survey meter readings again illustrates the utility of

such a system in undertaking an environmental radiation
Comparabie data on the compcsition of the radiation
field could only have been cbhtained by analyzing hundreds
of carefuily obtained soil samples, if at all.

The data in this report should form a solid basis for
estimating externai dose to a returning population as a

function of time after return, assuming with the aid of the
survey team's anthropologist various realistic models for

their living conditions, areas of habitation,

~ AQ =

and daily

Select target paragraph3