An intensive radiological survey of the islands of

Bikini Atoll was conducted in April-May 1967 for the
purpose of determining the levels and components of the
external gamma radiation fields in this former weapons

testing area.
Fourteen islands and the two island complexes
of the atoll were surveyed with instrumentation which included a field gamma spectrometer system, a high pressure
lonization chamber, scintillation and G.M. survey meters,
and thermoluminescent dosimeters.
A large number of soil

samples were taken for laboratory NaI({T1)
spectral analysis.

and Ge(Li) gamma

Total exposure rates were found to vary

considerably from site to site and island to island.


measured over soil ranged from less than 10 ur/hr to over

500 ur/hr.

Major contributors to the radiation fields

usually included **’cs, ““co, **®sb, and *°?™Rh with a large

number of other isotopes present.
The large amount and
consistency of the data indicate that a reliable and comprehensive picture has been obtained of the external gamma
radiation environment of the atoll.

Select target paragraph3