

A radiological survey of the islands of Bikini Atoll in
the mid-Pacific was conducted in late April and early May
of 1967, nine years after cessation of extensive testing of
nuclear devices in the area.
The survey, sponsored by the

Division of Biology and Medicine of the U.

S. Atomic Energy

Commission, included general observations of the prevailing
environmental conditions and a detailed investigation of

external environmental radiation levels.

Exposure rates due

primarily to penetrating gamma radiation were measured,

the principal radioisotopes contributing to the total


exposure rate on each of the major islands of the atoll
were determined.

Bikini Atoll is located in the northern Marshall Islands.
The atoll consists of a number of small coral islands
surrounding a lagoon 22 miles long and 13 miles wide.
land area of the atoli is 2.32 square miles, of which 1.25

square miles comprises the three largest islands,


and Nam.

Figure 1 is a map of the atoll.


The names

of the islands differ on the various hydrographic charts,

being usually variations of Japanese renditions of the
original Marshallese names.
On the map in Figure 1 and
throughout this report we have used the Marshallese names
of the islands.
The testing of nuclear devices at Bikini Atoll occurred
during 1946, 1954. 1956, and 1958 and included the detonation
of some 23 devices of both fission and thermonuclear types.
The locations of the tests and the code name and year of each

event are indicated on the map in Figure 1.

Most of the

shots were detonated on barges anchored in the lagoon or on
the atoll reef.
Two shots were air drops, Able and Cherokee,
two were underwater, Baker and Maple, and three were surface
bursts, Bravo, Zuni, and Koon.
All of the islands received
in varying degrees the resultant radioactive fission and

activation products which were spread about the area.
Although prevailing winds generally carried the local fallout
westward, there were exceptions - notably shot Bravo,
unexpected winds carried the fallout toward the east.


Select target paragraph3