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oe Bow


Shima said thet he vould oakhis Coversnent wat eeeereeel rude fol:
establieh raciation stamtards, Pecause of the economlo faplicztions of

esistliching too low standards it res ecrced it Kould be rell te Zetennine
practicel end econanie stanferds zs soon os sossille. It was ceneraly
ereod thet a further necting of Jspencse and fucricen sctentists wicht te

eseful. If acthoritatiie standerds would result from the recting the Japanese
representatives wovld soed aGovernment eponscro’d, Fr, Eorrington thought =. ‘it vould te well to Lave further *ecuseloens tefore tte Jepencse Covermort ©
evthoritative etsndarde, Ur, Seid cleervci tliat this is a very

he tloacht it wo. 1d te well te ecund out his


firet, The Sovermsent could sound cut the celestiets on this question. He

telieved it micht be hersful for ell conecrned should this retter be hurrfed
end thus ina.tvertently tetane a mettor of preneture public cyuntroversy, Tr.

Toss observed that there first slould be an ecreenunt on standards esong the
Jepanese ecientistsa, He resffirmed our intercet in discuscing this a on



ire Pauendinger then rsised the cvestion of whet

ecooperstive measures

ight be underteken followine the tests to chock on racioectivity in the sea,
ete, Be ezid the Uo isstrying to work out a ecorstractive cooperciive prograa
the cetelils of which would te fortheoning shartliy.
eve moything to offer on this ites,

Hr. chine sai? he did rot

The reeting was then adJowned with the unveretancing thet US written

questions on fishing patterns, ete. would be provided the Scbessy ait that
another rect ing would te fabjoct to recuests by either the Embersy or thé
Tépart-cat, In response to Mr, Eeacwencdincerts question Fr. Shing acid it
yacht te vel] fer dc shee PDiison to raise the ‘¥erlous points ciseussed =

tocay with the Foreign Hinister,




ir, Dosa uncertcok to provide Lr, Muksilo with NorfFeo enslyses of plenkton.

SJE cCSpleselsbta

Select target paragraph3