





and shark), (3) How many extra miles could the dcperese predict would be

involved in going around the dan_er erea ex opposed to going throuch the dan:er
erea to the goutheact corner of the erca? Mr, Herrinctun said that anewers

sould also be provided to the questions of whet kind of losses would te involved
end how any cleine would Te evelueted. It was agreed thet Tr. Bong end Pir,
herrington would provide a list of written qvestiona to the Jepacese irtussy.




_ | Ab the conclvaton of this part of the conversetion Yr, Lex eniincer eéuitoned

Uy, Shine thet no leplfiecetion ebculd te crewn frou these prelirinery discussior
that the U5 would be prepared to pay conpencation far ine mvenlcrcer, ete. re
chima achnovletced thet the discussions were p:ieliminery in uetwe eno thet n5

i-plication with respect to compensestion should te crewn.

‘The disc:ssion then turned to te question of racicective conterinetion
of fish, Zr, Fecmendincer observed thet there would be no question of ridlcective

ecntextnetion until after the corclusion of the tects, In the nmeciutiice *e sei
there is ceat to (1) rercch mutual understanding of rediaticn ster:carcls,cnd (2)

educate the public,

Dr, Foss then pave e reswie of the Fadiscbioloy Conference held in Yoventer
195), at Tokyo in the course of which US ectentiste gsie the YS interpreteticn of

Hentbooks 62 end 59,

The U3 eclentists eles providce tofcrnetion on how the

LS datemmined the question of fish edikilitr,

AltuacLh no reew.-rcai lings bore

rate it was pointed out that we use a standard of 500 counts per mirets at 5
cemtineterg to ottein a came reading with the chield closed, Or, Foss noted

the US would te villing to respa vith the Jenencee the discession of

yecintion etentarés and meximus permissible levels should the Jepasese eo

He noted thet he hed discussed this question with Dr, Mubeito xho in

tum vralsed 1twith Ir, Fekehi, wha ig presently at Cck bidje,

Ir, tuksibo

reported that [r. Fakehi kas a necative attituce teverd edtiticnal discussicns.
Also Er, Eeketd had cited the fect tiat the dilferent opinions held by Japenere

sciertista in this matter rate 16 Gffievlt to obbain a conclusion on a danrerova

level of radiozctivity,

Tr, Mateito noted there are cifferert interpretitions

of the dota set forth in the entbooks, Ir, Toss seid thet

/tie shields open and

¥ith low stencerds (100 counts par mimte) good edible fish might well be destroyct
this comection Dr, Eosa noted thet Handbooks 52 and 59 hed teen established

ty the ICkP (Internetional Comission for Fadiation Frotection), Although the
Handbooks were prepared by an internctionel croup inicrpretetions of the é¢rta

s-t forth ney very dezending a large jart on research tle interpreter has tcen
wcing in the redistisn field,
iis, Eemmendinger asked if there La eny dananese group thet could rake

Jeterminatio-a on tolerance levels ant esteblish stencards,

Tr, fusinese seid

there ws no such group, Tr, Eukaibo said that the Japanese Ecie-ee Council head
reco::zended a level of 100 counts per mimote with e:ielcs open and that the

rdristry of Welfare had established tris level, fr. i vreitbo then seid thet t: ere
hacibees some thought given to establishing e croup in the Atoviic Fnercy Institute

to handle such rettera, but thet the group had rot yet lean estrblished,


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