Rudolf J.



March 12,


Resuspension factors would more correctiy model the
physics of the resuspension if we were to add the qualification that we were interested only in the immediate inhalation hazard.
If we are also interested
in the long-term translocation of the source and
subsequent resuspension to an inhalation hazard, we
must also now define a resuspension factor for particle
saltation and surface creep.
These are the processes
which move greater than 50 to 100 um diameter particles.
The early work of R. A. Bagnold and W. S. Chepil on
soil movement has shown that 90% of the airborne material
is within one foot of the surface and that obviously
the airborne soil diameter decreases with an increase
in height.
Consequently the resuspension factor would
increase if the airborne concentration were measured
closer to the surface.
Thus, a resuspension factor
for tracer movement by saltation may be several orders
of magnitude greater than the 6 x 1072 to 1077 m7l for
the inhalation hazard.
We recommend that data be obtained to determine the
saltation resuspension factor.
Data are also needed

to establish how the tracer is moved--is the tracer

resuspended by itself or is the tracer attached to the
host soil particle?
This attachment would probably
be more important for smaller sized particles.
A modeling problem using the resuspension factor exists
in evaluating the boundary conditions if any of the
tracer moves in either surface creep or in saltation.
These cases are not considered in existing particle
diffusion models.
We will suggest the nature of the

Particles moving in saltation initially acquire suffi-

cient energy to cause the particle to move almost vertically upward.
Depending upon the amount of energy
imparted, the particles will rise to various heights
before the particle motion can be assumed to be de-


scribed by a Sutton type diffusion model.

Select target paragraph3