Dr. Rudolf J. Engelmann


was conducted on December 8,

March 12, 1971
1968 at the Nevada Test

Several days after the event, W-181 was the predominant radionuclide detected and it served as a unique
The half-life of suspended radioactive particulates was observed to be 38 days.

factors were between 6 x 1075 and 1077 m-l.

The half-

life and resuspension factors are in general agreement
with the SNAP-27 paper.
Unanswered questions still remain which we suggest
should be answered.
Admittedly the half-life is

of the resuspension factor as being equal to the airborne
concentration divided by the ground concentration.
Typically, the airborne concentration has been measured
from 3 to 6 feet above the ground surface.
Such a definition may be satisfactory if we assume that the resuspension factor is to be applied to inhalation at
the test site,
For the immediate inhalation problem,
field experiments are stated (p. 6, UCRL-72534) to suggest that an inverse relationship exists between the
resuspension factor and the level of deposited activity.
Since this is true, we really do not know the physics of


That report suggests that "the mass

deposition at high activity areas is sufficiently high

to significantly lower the amount of material available

for resuspension, or that air levels in low ground activity areas mainly represent suspended material that
originated in high ground activity areas far removed
from the point of measurement."
At first inspection, we
tend to agree that the inhalation hazard is due to upstream resuspension.
The physics of resuspension from
upstream conditions to the local inhalation hazard must

be determined.

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A serious question exists concerning the definition


could be resuspended before the 30 day half-life occurred.

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lives for longer time periods?
Half-lives for resuspension are needed for time periods beyond the initial
half-life and for time periods for which soil movement
is great.
If soil movement were great, all activity

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initially between 30-40 days, but what are the half-


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