(e) Air routes through Wake and Kwajalein:


(@) Sarface routing inside 500 miles consi-

éerod in its relation to all known transiest shipping: favor-

@. Scientific


(1) High altitude sampling operations - favor-


(2) Light transmission for scientific experiments -


Lack of fallout information from prerious shots


of ecmparedle yield was a serious handicap.










@. The original source cannot be considered as a
point or a
relatively anell erea but mst be considered to be
em area of about a hundred eiles in diazeter. This dieneter
elso depesis ca yield.

The raitioactivity of the debris can be considered

proportional to yield.

Hadioactive material in the |

Cloud was thus two to three tires was was expected.



@. An appreciable fraction of the observed fallout
ean only be accounted for by assuming that it originated in .
the stratosphere. Yor such particles-to reach the ground at
observed tines, their die=ster cust heve been in excess of 109

f. Forecast for shot tice winds at shot time was
essentially corsect. Variation fromforecest trajectories was
epprorimately 20 degrees in significant urper levels; unfor-

tanately, the variacion wes in the wrongs direction (See Figure


S$). The sual] veritations observed at lower levels were also
in an canfevoretble direction. isevertheless, che accuracy of

the winds alot: forecest aprroached the limits of accuracy of

the wind odSe>vatiors themselves end were well within the nor-

gal forecest error.

@- The fallout pettern extended from the Bikini
atoll to the eest northeast. Considerable widening of the
pattern took place due to diffusion. The intensityof the



Select target paragraph3