
3 July 1958

Total capability for billeting exists but some adjustment will be necessary
between officers and enlisted spaces since the 150 observers will probably
require the best space available,

Col Loveless pointed out that equipment would not be evacuated,

Also discussed was operation of copters on BOXER. TG 7.3 stated no
requirement exists for shore control. Copters will work from BOXER JOC.
The meeting ended by Col Loveless stating that he realized detailed planning
could not be performed here and that J-3, JTF SEVEN would be operational at

Johnston by Sunday 6 July. He does want everyone to start thinking about the

detailed plans and to get in touch with the JIF S£VEN evacuation officer to

discuss problems as JTF SEVEN will be controlling the exercise very closely
in view of General Luedeckes' announced interest re personnel remaining ashore.
A rehearsal is planned for TEAK on approximately 21 July and possibly one

later for ORANGE.



Summary of events 021850 July to 031)25 July:
1850 - Permission granted to arm CEDAR.

2006 = CEDAR armed at 2002.

JTF SEVEN notified.

2028 ~ CEDAR arming party departed zero site via LCM
2138 = Texas advised it was still CEDAR-1.

2222 ~ CEDAR arming party arrived at Nan,

All personnel notified.

Texas notified.

0310 - Texas confirmed it as CEDAR day.

Al necessary personnel notified,

01:30 - CEDAR voice count down started.


CEDAR detonated,


All safe at BIKINI.

1120 ~ Texas announced CHDAR R-hour as 1100.

Notified J-3 BIKINI.


1:25 + JTF SEVEN announced DOGIOOD-3 today.

The following publications were published and distributed this date:

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