PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVE™ tog contamination on tre helicopters was 7ot easily removed (as evidenced by tne cy.. cecotamination efforts), and that a large portion of any wind-removed contaminants » have 3lown away from the ship by the constant prevailing winds. Nonetheless, it is as5.> for this analysis that YN3 while being exposed on the hangar deck to the exter. radiation fram the contaminated helicopters on the flight deck above him, was 3.3: downwind of the helicopters and inhaled contaminants that were resuspended by the wanc. Wind-driven resuspension factors range fram 107'9 4 1073 m7i, For a high-sided factor o! 107? and conditions of exposure necessary to accrue a film badge dose of 110 mrem (-- calculated dose while aboard the RENDOVA), the bone dose commitment is about ! sre~. Conversely, for an internal bone dose commitment of 150 mrem (the threshoid meaningful internal dose), the film badge dose would have had to be 10 rem. for Thus, YN3 internal bone dose commitmentis less than 150 mrem by two orders of magnitude. OPERATION CASTLE T Ooeration CASTLE was conducted at both Bikini and Enewetak atolls in the| curing Marcn-May 1954. Although not a participant at CASTLE, YN3 Was Stato’ on Kwajalein Atoll throughout the duration of the operation and was exposed to radivac:. fallout from several of the detonations. ROMEO, and YANKEE. Kwajalein received fallout from Shots BRAY, Dose calculations have been performed for personne! assignec <> iCwajalein during Operation CASTLE (Reference 7). Since Mr. does not refer to ar. atypical exposure conditions while stationed on Kwajalein, his calculated fallout cose 9.32 rem. The initial radiation dose is zero and the internal dose, based on | R/hr intensit: > (adjusted to H+1) at up to 100 hours after each shot (Reference7), is less than 13 nrecn, SUMMARY YN3 while assigned to the USS RENDOVA (CVE-114) at Operation [\ recaived an external dose of 0.15 rem gamma. This includes contributions from £3..34ut vse RENDOVA and on Japtan Island, as well as that from contaminated he.copie-s © wore parked on tne art flight deck of RENDOVA. His bone dose commitment tor potentially high risk period (due to resuspended contaminants from helicopters) aboarc RENDOVA was about .901 rem. Initial radiation dose was zero. While assigned to Kwajs >. during Operation CASTLE, YN3 that occurred on that atoll. Mr. received an additional 0.32 rem gamma from fa..> total calculated dose for the activities he described is 0.47 rem gamma and less than .15 rem commitment to the bone. PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL PEKC.ED bas