layers of the funnel show

only cst37 and spb?5 in the deepest

Buried Organic Layers

The organic matter in buried horizons may become important
in the vertical distribution of radionuclides in the soils.


detectable gamma-emitters were found in buried horizons during
the period 1958-1961.

In September 1963 a core was taken through

a buried horizon at 14 inches in old soil.

Radioautographs of

sections of the core show that a small amount of radioactivity
has accumulated in the buried horizon.

The diffuse distribution

of the radioactivity in this case indicates that there is adsorption of the radionuclides from solution as water percolates
through the soils, although the possibility of translocation by
plants cannot be ruled out.

est37 and naturally occurring Kt0

were the only radionuclides present in the buried horizon.
The accumulation of es!37 in the buried horizons is of par-

ticular significance in terms of plant-soil relationships,
because a proliferation of roots is often found in the buried

horizons and Cs


7 is the principal fallout radionuclide taken

up by atoll plants.

Roots, which contain cst3? and sr?°, in most instances have
higher levels of radioactivity than the surrounding soil except
near the soil surface

(Fig. 12).

The influence of poplar roots

on redistribution in a continental soil has been well demonstrated


Select target paragraph3