quantitative determinations from a few profiles.


spectra of equal amounts of soil from different depths were
compared directly to arrive at (1) a qualitative evaluation
of the vertical distribution of the radionuclides and (2) a
semiquantitative estimate of relative amounts of radionuclides
at different depths.

Gamma-ray spectra were made with a system

which included a 3-inch by 3-inch solid,thallium-activated,
sodium iodide crystal and a 256-channel analyzer.

In addition,

selected samples were taken for analyses of the pure betaemitter, sr?? ,


Vertical distribution in relation to soil type is made by
comparing young and old soils.
young soil,

Examples are Kabelle Sand, a

(Fig. 2) and Gogan Gravelly Sandy Loam (Fig. 3) and

Lomuilal Sand (Pig. 4), old soils.

Their characteristics are

given in Tables I and III.
The young soil has little organic material except that in
an algal surface crust about 1 cm thick.

Hermit crabs, Coeno-

bita perlatus, at the base of a few shrubs, the borrowing ghost

Ocypode ceratopthalmia,


and ants are the main animals

Litter accumulation is found only at the bases of

the scattered shrubs and is a minor part of this soil system.

Select target paragraph3