acquired dose represented radom conservation of persormel exposures,


individuals prinartiy involved in this problem were axpected to be the

scientific project participants,

Consequently, a special course of instruc

tion wes devised for the Tadsafe monitors of the verious projects.


course of instruction stressed the practical applications ani field expedients
involved in the monitor's work,

‘the MPE of 3.9r for the operation was stressed.

in its relation to realistic planning by the projects,

The basic problec was

the relation between the numbers of pecple capable of doing project work

(Aneluding Radeafe conitors) anc the burn-out rate of the project reccvory

These factors depended upon the number and type of shots in which the

project participated, proxinity of recovery stations to groum sero, problems

of locating instrument sites after water wave ani blast~-indweed topographical
changes, ccoplexity of instrument site, expected time required to re-enter the
instrument site plus a factor of safety to cover expected damage to doors or
time to clear away coral or debris from doors.

Since the project people had

only 3.9 to spend for their entire participation, it was emphasized that tc.
should make realistic plans to pass the recovery job arcum to ali members of
the project party ami to avoid having an "indispensable man” who alone was
capable of cocking an instrument or removing a record.

It was pointed cut

that a critical problem would arise from burn-out of key project people and
thedr intense desire, shot after shot, to be the only ones to touch their instruments and records,

The course stressed that the provision for CJTP SEVEN

waiver of the 3.9r MPE (para 1.b. below) would be used only as a last-ditch
measure and would require full justification and evidence of realistic preoperational planning,

Monitors were requested to use IVE MIKE shot contamina

tion data, the number of shots on which each member would participate, tne
expected hoamader and time required to recover pacomiafeom meich a reascoahl

Select target paragraph3