
Originally, Operation CASTLE involved four events in the very high

yield range.

as plans progressed, the schedule was increased to seven events,

and thon reduced during the operation to six,

«sg a consequence, the iadsafe

Plan for the operation required detailed re-evaluation to determine the
practicality of various assumptions and planning factors.

Primarily, since

each extra event (insofar as personnel ratiation dcsages were concerned) was
additive, the permissible exposure per event for shot participants decrcased
as the number of events increased,

Prior to Operntion CASTLE, the maxioum

number of events at the Pacifie Proving Ground (PPG) was four on Operation

The maxisum number of high ylel< events was two on Opcratica

IVY, of wiich one was an air burst at 1,500 feet.

It appeared that C..STLE

planning would have to be budlt around the samc personnel <osage allowance
as usod on these cperations regarilcss of tho number and yields of the events
for C..STLE.

There was an obvious need for ways and ocans to cut dcwn on

personnel exposures per sh_t or to raise the permissible <cse for sone

In regard to efforts to cut down on personnel exposures, 4

number of factors were involved.

Not all personnel would participste in each

event; however, it appeared to be a logicel assumption that the average number
of events for participation would increase.

It was also assumec¢ thet the

total mmber of people involved in the operation would increase jue tc attecpt
to spread the permissible dosage over 3 sufficicnt number of participants ta

affect an over-all average dcse within acceptable limits,

It was also ciear

thet some form of indoctrination was necessary in order to effect completicn
of work in contaminated areas with the maximum efficiency in order ths: the


Select target paragraph3