put were instructed to steam south imediately after H-hour,

Scaller ships

were located further, end more southeasterly, from ground zero at H-hour,


Due to the predicted upper limit on yleld for this

shot, the ROMEO falleout experience was used with considerable cauticn in
the UNION Tadsafe plan. Subsequent events, however, indicated characteristics
quite similar to \OMEO, 1.e, seroscletype cloud,
levels was not instrumented.

Contamination from the mide

Uongerange contamination from UNION was slizht in

comparigon with ROMEO, probably due to nore favorable winds in these levels
to the east of ground zerc.

The dynamic systen of fall-out plotting developed on

CASTLE was first used for this shot, and continued for all subsequent shots.


Detrtled radsafe informtion and pertinent woather

factors are presented in Tab N,

(e) Y.NKEE

Y..NKEE cidelevel winds were southwest to west south-

Tradewinds were shallow (10,C00 feet deep) with light northerly to

northwesterlies between 10,000 amd 20,000 feet.

2. YANKEE was a barge (water surface) shot in the lagoon
(in approximately 120 feet of water) near YUNOCHI (D6G) at Sikini.


The larger ships of the task force fleet ware located

approximately 30 miles east southeast of ground sero for operational reasons,
but were instructed to steam south immediately after H-hour,

Saller ships

were located further, and more southerly, from ground sero at Hefour.

«lthough YANKEE winds were sonswhat less favcrable

than UNION (lower level winds veering around counter-clockwise), ROMEO and
UNION exnarience were such that this factor could reasonably accented. .


Select target paragraph3