
The task force flect was located approxizately 25

“niles east of ground zero for operational reasons, with instructions to
steam south after H-hour.

Due to the unexpected low yield of KOON, no sisnifie

cant contamination prebluns arose,. Closcein contamination was linited
essentially to the shot island, the ialand immediately to the west of srcund

zero, the anchorages just off the shot island, and across the lazoon on the
DOG=GEOMGE chain and BIKINI (HOW) Islands.

ut shot tine, a large rainstorm was present between

groumd zero and the task force ficet.

No radiological damage resulted to

the fleet due to sufficient distance between the ships and the storn.

6 «a mall amount of contamination was deposited on

Rongelap ami Rongerik fron KOON, ‘This was believed to be due to either rainout from approximately the 25 000 foot levels, or due to a relatively

efficient transport of most of the debris to the cast and subsequent subsidence and scavenging by rain showers known to be in the general area,

Detailed radsafe information, and pertinent weather

factors, are presented in Tab M.


UNION mid-lovel winds were west scuthwest.

The trade=

winds were light ami shallow (about 10,000 feet in depth), and Licht ani
variable between 10,000 and 14,000 feet,

Licht westerlies existed from 14,000

to 20,000 feet.

UNION was a barse (water surface) shot in the lagoon

(in approximately 120 feet of water) near YUROCHI(DCG) at Bikini.

The larger ships of task fotce fleet were Locte-

approximateiw-36 miles east southeast of ground zero for enosabional reasns.


Select target paragraph3