other individual cases, none of the task force personnel: received doses in

excoss Of 7.8 roentgens.

In fact, less than &% of the task force personnel

received 4 total exposure in excess of the established MPE of 3.9 rcentzens,

and less than 2% in excess of 6.0 rcentgens,

(4) Specific details pertaining to cach CASTLE shot: asa
general rule, the winds in the Marshall Islands area are east northeasterly
to easterly in the lower, or tredewind, lewols (up to about 20,000 fect), and

easterly in the high levels (above tropopause height, or about 60,000 feet.
In the general discussion of wind patterns for each shot below, the cid~

levels winds (20,000 to 60,000 feet) are the primary consideration, since they
are not only variable, but also involwe the most si mificant portion of the
cloud fron a fall-out viewpoint.

(a) BL.VO

The BRAVO cidelewel winds were from west scathwest.

The trades wero shallow (approximately 5,000 feet) with light northwesterlies
to westerlics to 20,000 feet and the high winds were nore east northessterly
than eastorly.


BRAVO was detonated as a land surface shot on a

email eand spit near NAMU (CHARLIE) at Blicint

The task force fleet was at least 30 miles southeast

of grourd sere at Hehour, and steamed further south upon receivin, carly


Closeein ground contamin-tion on the shot atoll was

hich, and spread in a somewhat uniform elliptical pattern to the ezst.


H plus 4 hours, the airstrip on .IWEIJI (OBCE) was reading 10.5 r/hr; the
ENXYU (NiN) camp approximately 2.5 r/hr at 125 fcet and the DOGKGEO"GE chain

from tta SO.rfre at 100 feet.

Select target paragraph3