dynamic falleout plot technique developed on CASTLE, This technique employed
the concept of a 2Lehour period of falleout and considered the effscts of
time and cloud displacenent factors on wind systerns within approximtoly 50C
miles of the shot site,

(2) .erdal cloud tracking flights were used 18 the prizery neans
of obteining a rapid evaluationvof the relation between forccast and actual

atomie cloud travel,

dditional precision aerial surveys of land asses in

the Marshall Islands wore supported for studies being conducted by the New
York Operations Office, .£C (NYKOPO),

These two types of flichts, together

with a network of (NYXOPO) cround monitoring stations, were used to considerable cutual and timely advantage by the task force and the NYKOPO representa~
tives in evaluatins the fall-out patterns on populated islands ani, by the
task force, in advising appropriate headquarters sharing responsibilities
for these arcas,


(3) The maintonance of personnel radiation exposures at the
Lowest possible lowel was the third major task force iiadsafe problem,


plenned Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) of personnel was 3.9 reentzens.
However, it was enticipated that this limit would be too low considering
the number and expected yields of the weapons and devices to be tcsted.
Consequently, the Rradsafe Plan, with the coneurroneo of the Surgeons General

of the three Services and tho Director, Division cf Biology and ifedicine,
aS, included provision for waiver of the MPE by the task force comusnder
in individually designated cases when circumstances indicated the need and
justification therefor, ‘This authority, exercised for a relatively few
number of individuals, was adequate for the completion of essenticl C..STLE
missions, Except for relatively high accidental exposures on 28 personnel

at the_task force weather station on iiongerik .toll. and a small nuzber of

Select target paragraph3