1. The purpose of this form it to provide a standard format by ehich
the offeror submits to the Government a summary of incurted and
estimaced costs fend attached supporting information) suitable for detatled review and soalvsis Pror to che award of a contract resulting
from this proposal the offeror shall, under the conditions staced in
FPR 1-3.80°-3 be requited to submit s Certificace of Currene Con or
Pricing Data (see FPR 103.8073 (b) and 1-3.907=4}.
2. As part of the specific information required by this form, the of.
feror must submit with this form. sad clearly identify as such. cost
@t pticing datz (that is, daca winch is verifiable and factual and otherwise as defined in FPR 1-3.807-3(h)). In addition, he must submit

wich this form any information reasonsbly required to explain the

to the specific cost element may be found. When arachmenc of supporting cost or pricing data to this form is impracticable, the dats
will be specifically identified and described furth schedules as appre:

prise) and made available to the Contracting Officer or has represen.
tatrve upon request.

4, The formas for the “Con Elements” and the “Proposed Coneacr

Escimace™ are not intended as rigid requirements. These may be pre-

senced io difference format acceptable to the Contracting Officer if
required for more efective and efScient presentation. In ai} other
fespects this form will be completed sad submited without change

eGeror's estimating process, including:

2s et

a the judgmental! Gctor applied and the mathematical or other
methods used ia the estimate weluding those used in projecting
from kaows data, and
b. the contingencies used by the offeror in his proposed price.
5. Attach separate pages if necessary and identify in this columa the
attachment in which the information supporting or otherwue relating

$. By submission of this proposal offeror, if selected for aegotisnon,
grancs to the Concracting Officer, o¢ his authorized representative,
the right to examine, for the purpose of verifring the cost or pocing

data submitted, thase books, records, documents and other suppon-

ing dace which will permit adequate evaidation of such cost of pricing
daca, along with the computations and projections used therein. This

right may be exercised in connecnon with any negoustions pror to
contract award.



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