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ais proposal is submirted for use in coonection with and in response to

accordance ® ith the Instructions to Offerors and the Footnores which follow.

Sand reflects our best estimates as of chis dace,

®* Descrioe REP. 8s.



wat OF Fein

NOTE 1. Eaver in this column those necessary aod reasonable costs
which in the judgment of the offeror will properly be incurred in the
eficien: performance of the contract. Bhen any of the costs in this
column have already been incurred (¢.g.. on o letter contract or change
order}, describe them on an attached supporting schedule. K'hen “preproduction” of “startup” coms are significant or when speciécally
requested ia detail by the contracting of6cer, provide a full identihestion aad explanation of same. Idenufy ali sales and transfers bermeen
your plaau, divisions, of ofgantimtions ender a common control,
which are included at other than the lower of cost to the ongias!

NOTE 6. laciede standard commercia) tems sormally fabricand ia
whole or is part by you which ere generally stocked in igventory.
Provide explanation for inclusion at other chan the lower ef con or
current market price.
NOTE 9. lachude all materials sold or cransferred bereera your
plants, divisions or organizations uader a common contro! at ether

than cost to the original transferror and provide explanation of priciag
enhod aed.

transferror of current market price.

NOTE 10. Indicate che rates used and provide an appropriase esplanation. Where agreement bes been reached with
efament repre:
sentatives oc the use of forward pricing rates, describe the seture of

MOTE 2. The use of this column is optional for multiple line nem
proposals, except where the contracting officer determines that a separate Options! Form $9 is requited for selected line nem.

the agreement. Provide the method of computation and applicanon of
rour overhead expense, including coer breakdown, and showing treads
and budgetary data as secessary to provide o basis for evaluacon of
the restonsbieness of propoved rates.

NOTE 3. Artech separate pages as necessary and identify im this colemn the etachment in which the informanon supporting the specific
cost element may be found. No standatd forma: is prescribed, how.
ever, the cout or pricing data must be eccuratc, complete and current,
and the judgment factors used ia projecting from the dats to the estimates must be stated in sufficient detail to ensble the Contracting
OfScer to evaluate the proposal. For example, provide the basis used
for pricing the bill of material: such ss by vendor quotations, shop
estimates, of invoice prices; the reason
ese of overhead rates which
depart significantly from experienced cares (reduced volume, a planned

NOTE 11. Include separate breakdown of cost.
NOTE 12. Provide a separate breakdown of labor by job cacrgory aad
fernish basis fot cost estimates.

mayer rearrangement. et¢.j: oF justification for an increase in labor rates

NOTE 15. Include all other eximated cose: (sg., specie! tooling, facils-

famticipaied wage and salary increaus, etc.j. ldentify and explain any
contingencies which ase included in the proposed price, such as anuc-

es. special gest equipment. special

ai rearrangeaens, preervence

pechaging ond packing. spoilage and rework, and warranty} which are
a osherwice included. identify separstely each cavegory of com and
provide supporing details. If the proposal is based on a F.0.B. dessBBLON
price, indicate seperately of] outbound transporadon costs
in toc] amoust

wpated costs of rejects and defective work, anticipated cesu of eaginettimg tadesign end retesting, ef anticipated technical dificulsies in

designing huigh-ruk components.

NOTE 4. Provide a list of princips! ems withia each category of

waterial indicating known of anticipated source, Quantity, ESit price,

competition ettained, and basis of establishing source and reasonable.
sess of coat.

NOTE 14. If the socal cost entered bere is ia excess of $250, provide

NOTE $. Include matersa! for che propesed contract other than me-

agreement: pecent numbers, patent application serial mumbers, or echer
basis on which the royale,is peyable: bref description, includiog any
part or modt! aumbers of each contract tem of component es which
the royalty is payable, percentage of dollar rate of royalty per unit,
nit price of contract tem, mumber of anits; and total dollar amount

@8 0 seperate page the feliowing information ef esch separave em

of roysity or bicense fee: same aad addres: of licensor, date of license

errial described in the other footnetes ander the con elrment earuled
“Direct Material.”
NOTE 6. laclude pars, components, assemblies, and services to be
produced ot performed by other than you in accerdance sith your
designs, speciicauons, or directions end applicable only tq the pnae

of royalties. ln addition, if specifically requested by the conescuag
effcer, a copy of the current license agreement sod identifaauon of
applicable claims of speciic perents shall be provided.

NOTE 15, Selling price must include any applicable Federal excise ux

NOTE “. Include raw and processed material for the proposed contract in a form of suste which requires further processing.

"on Gnished srucies.

See Reverse for Lastructioas




OPTIONAL FOAM 59 (10-71)

Select target paragraph3