7 377¢F
Admiral Arleigh A. Burke


counter is indicated as a result of the information gained from such a
study on the sevenMarshallese who were transported to Chicago during

March 1957.

Since installation and operational testing of the whole

body counter will reqaire about a month, it is requested that an

be available at a West Coast port beginning about February 1, 1958, or

as soon thereafter as possible. The installation and testing will be
carried out by members of the AEC medical team before departure. One
or two technicians will remsin with the equipment during the voyage to
the Islands.

Also, the remaining medical materiel oan be loaded before

departure for the Islands, so that there need be no request to MATS for

eir freight transportation.


Present operational plans would request that the LST be on station at
Kwajalein on March 1 and for three weeks at Rongelap thereafter, returning the medical team to Kwajalein an or about March 21,

Assietance from the U. 5. Navy in the accomplishaent of the above would
be of immeasurable value to the medieal team. Accordingly, your approval
of the following, in addition to the use ef an LST, is respectfully requestedt


Participation in the operation by all naval personnel both


Transportation via MATS for all personnel named in Schedule
"A® from the West Coast to Kwajalein and return.


Transportation of the laboratory and medical supplies and


Assiomme-t of Class 2 priority for all MATS transportation


Air transportation between Kwajalein and Fafjuro and retum
te transfer three Marshallese (one medical rractitiomer and

service and civilian, included in Schedule "A" (attached).

equinment and whole body counter from a Wost Caast port to
the Marehell Islands and return om board the L°T.

two interpreters) anc several members of the medical
to Mejuro for examinstic., cf childrer -shich will act a:
controls for tne korrslisp children.


Authorizaticn to all naval commands en rexte to creric<
assistance anc cutport to th medical team as reouirece

Select target paragraph3