I predict that the "temporary" settlement on Japtan, at present a very
pleasant island with good facilities, will become a permanent settlement.
If the amount of radioactivity on Enjebi whould

prevent habitation at

this time, and for a significant period of time in the future, the estab-

lishment of a settlement there of course will not be possible. The snjebi
People may decide to live on Enewetak Isiand, this is most probable, because
of the excellent facilities there, or on another island in the northern

sector of the atoll within their traditional sphere. It should be noted
that this sector has suffered the most damage from the nucléer weapons testing

It should be noted that the Enewetak Atoll People have Lived together in
one settlement on one island on Ujilang Atoll as a matter of expediency. for
over a quarter of a century. A boundary was set through the middle of the

main island with half of the island and half of the satellite islands allocated to each group. (See Map Number 4).

The community buildings: church,school,

dispensary, meeting Qcouncil) house, and warehouses are located on the common
area near the dividing line. This arrangement has apparently wrked out
very well.

The definitive answer to the question of settlement pattern upon return to
Enewetak, if any obstacles to the present planning occur, must of course
come from the people themselves,
Pattern of Exploitation of the Natunal Resources
Economic Potential

ncothecoconustrees and other food bearing trees and plants have been almost
completely destroyed on Enewetak Atoll. Most of the islands have become overgrown with vegetation, and are littered with debris which must be removed before
replanting can begin. This will be a formidable task which will cxtend over 2fe
bong poriol of




The swewetak leaders neva suressec their desire to be

involves in vnis work, and indeed taney should be. snis will provide a cash

Select target paragraph3