
the position of the land holdings. This has been done by the Bikini
People after practically all other markers had been obliterated. The
returning Hnewetak People will presumably do likewise.
The Location of boundaries is common knowledge within the comunity,
and "boundary pushing," which is practiced in other parts of Micronesia,
is practically unheard of in the Marbhalls.

Each land parcel has its own

name and history of the circumstances under which it came into the lineage
which now controls it. This information is also a very important part of
the corpus of knowledge of the atoll.community. It is not written down
but is transmitted orally from generation to generation.
At the Enewetak Rehabilitation Planning Conference held in Honolulu,
February 21-22, 1973 the following statement regarding future village

settlenent pattern was made by Ujilang (gnewetak) Magistrate Smith Gideon:
t We /the Enewetak Atoll People 7 held three meetings prior to

my departure from Ujilang for this mseting. We decided What the
settlement :pattern; the village locations would be on snewetak
in the future. The are: one on enjebi Island, one on Hedren

Island (Parry), and one on Enewetak Island.
Japtan (David) will be @& termorarvy lecetion from the beginning

of the program. The workers from Ujilang will be housed there.
They will wait on Japtan, and will live there until the rest of

the atoll is ready for occupancy."

The Magistrate, and Scribe John Abraham also made it clear that while

the village sites would be as indicated, all of the islands (and reefs)
of the atoll would be used and exploited after the people have returned
to Enewetak,
They emphasized tne fact that the dedision of settlement pattern had
been reached by the community on Ujilang following a series of lenethy


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