
Attitudes of the Enewetak People

The atoll of Enewetak, from which the inhabitants were uprooted over a
quarter of a century aso, is a "paradise lost" to these exiles. The unewetak
People, who now live on the much smaller and much less productive atoll of
Ujilang desperately want, indeed yearn, to return to their ancestral homeland.
They have stated that they wish to send an advance party to the atoll to help
with the work of rehabilitation as soon as the program begins.
The people are naturally greatly concerned, indeed disturbed, about the
damage and destruction to the atoll. antire islands are missing, destroyed
completely by nuclear testing. Others have been reduced to sandspits, ang

still others have been severély damaged.
They are very Worried about the threat of additional damage and destBuction

by the PACH Program (Pacific Craterinz ixperiments). -\ program which they
have unanimously and unequivocally denounced and rejected. However they have

a positive approach to the rehabilitation of the atoll. They want the work
to be started as soon as possible.
The relinguishment of Bikini Atoll by the military, the cleanup and agricultural program there and the planned future return of the exiled Bikini
People to their home atoll have deepened the discontent of the xnewetak
People with their lot over the past few years.

The official announcement

of the relinquishment of snewetak this year and the preliminary discussions
and meetings regarding the rehabilitation of Hnewetak have intensified the

attitudes of the Inevetak People concerning return to their atoll.
They feel that their return to their ancestral homeland is long overdue.

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