


The administration has attempted to upgrade copra production and subsistence
agriculture for the past several years. There has been a noticeable improvement.
However the Enewetak Peopie certainly do not have the economic advantages
which they would have had if they had not been uprooted from the larger atoll.
The unfavorable economic situation and the persistent desire to return
to Enewetak finally stimulated aggressive action by the people. They threatened

to evacuate the atoll in 1967 and in 1968 the leaders petitioned the United
Nations for assistance in returning to Enewetak. In 1968 they again threatened
to evacuate the atoll and come to Majuro. Economic help was given them by &he
administration. Relief shipments of food were sent to the community. An ex

gratia payment of $1,020,000 was made them in 1969. This was placed in a
trust fund, the interest of which has helped. Monies were also allocated for
the construction of badly needed public facilities on the atoll. The Ujilang
comunity assumed the responsibility for doing the actual Labor involved.
These efforts to ameliorate the situation, while welcome, did not lessen
the desire of the people to return to their ancestral homeland, They continued
to press for this goal, Discussions and meetings were held witn government
officials, The long awaited answer reached Majuro on April 19th L972 when
the High Commissioner informed the District Administrator that Enewetak

Atoll would be returned to its former inhabitants in 1973.
This marked the beginning of a new and better life for these displaced
people, and an end to their long years of exile.

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