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Ubile the acquisition of thas!dh this case, hes becom: rather more
of @ necessity, the curtailment of Bikini has, we feel, resulted in a net loss
ecompereé with the Redwing situation.

3. Situation 3

This situation represents a very sericus est-beck insamuch as Bikini
could ke used at most as & staging area for Teongi and no longer &s a firing site.
In this circanstance, we vould rectmmend a reaeveluation of the entire ER) systen
based upon & move of the bese facilities away from Enivetok and Parry Telands.

Under the assumptions of this study, however, ve would recomsend the folloving

All shote >1 MP ere achoduled at Tacngi.


25 semiining shots are schetnled at Entvetok.

She reasons for moving shots in the range 1 to § MP ere simply that,
being barge chots, they may be moved easily, end their movement to Taongl ree
lieves the echeduliag problem at Enivetok.
The only aftventage to he found in Situetion 3 is thet certain types

of support nay be zeduced below the Redwing level.
£. tabulation of major support requirements (exclusive of TG 7.5 support)
for the three sitostiens Gesexibed in prasented {n Inclosure 4.

4 Inclss
uw 0H

- Chart (from J-3)



Komo, 7603465 ae 5-6)
ISD Schedvies (frex J-3)

Tabuletion of Hajor Support

Requivensnts (7rom J-3)

* il «




Teo Te rat


Select target paragraph3