under the BNL Safety and Environmental Protection Division along with
the follow-up whole body counting of former Bikini Island residents
currently residing on Ejit or Majuro Islands, Majuro Atoll,
Kili Island (MI 79).

and on

Field Measurement of gamma-emitting

radionuclide body burdens was accomplished with a tra1ler-mounted
shadow-shield whole body counter.
from the measured body burdens
Island during the years

Dose commitments were calculated

for many persons residing at Bikini

1969 through 1978.

In addition to retrospective dose equivalents, whole body
counting and bioassy techniques provided the data base from which
dose equivalent commitments were calculated.
gether with external radiation measurements,
sessment of dose

These calculations,


provided a complete as-

to the Bikini population from chronic exposure to im-

portant fallout radionuclides in their home atoll environment.
In the following tables,

the dose equivalent during the resi-

dency interval and dose equivalent commitments


total body are presented.

to bone, bone marrow

The mean for

and dose equivalent commitment was determined

the dose equivalent

from individual data

points which represent a wide distribution of residence intervals.

The mean value corresponds to the mean residence interval (years) for
the population described.

Residence intervals were determined

through verbal interrogation of participants
monitoring program.

in the personnel

Select target paragraph3