Bioassy and external exposure monitoring programs were
initiated for Bikini Island residents in anticipation of the changing

dietary situation, and with the realization that it was essential to
do personnel monitoring on those individuals living on Bikini Island.
Extensive external radiation monitoring was performed in 1975
through the joint efforts of Brookhaven National Laboratory and
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.

Data were collected using an environ-

mental ionization chamber to quantify exposure rates, portable Nal
scintillation survey meters to map the external radiation fields,


portable gamma spectroscopy system to define the major energy compoments of the external field and to determine energy dependence correc~
tion factors for the ion chamber,

and LiF thermoluminescent

to measure long term integral exposures.

External expo-

sure estimates were developed based on these measurements and an

assumed living pattern (GU 76, GR 79).
Urine samples for radionuclide bioassay were collected during

BNL medical field trips to Bikini between 1970 and 1976 (CO 75,
unpublished results).

This program was reinstated by BNL Safety and

Environmental Protection Division in 1978 with systematic 24 hour
urine collections from all adult Bikinians.







137 oe

Urine bioassay results
137m Ba

body burdens and

resultant radiation dose equivalents for ail Bikinians from whom a
satisfactory urine sample was obtained.
Whole body counting was performed in 1974 and 1977 by the BNL

Medical Department (CO 75, CO 77), and the program continued in 1978

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