
A major Air Force building program was scheduled for Eniwetok Island,


requiring a further review of construction equipment requirements, The
asphalt paving equipment was in very poor condition. It had been acquired
as used equipment in 1949 and had been subjected to a great deal of use in
previous operations and required replacement. New equipment of the traveling type was purchased and was more adaptable to the various types of work
at the PPG. A much lower capital investment was likewise involved.
Due to the increased number of camps and operational sites there was
not enough equipment available to outfit adequately the construction crews.

This was especially true of concrete placing equipment, cranes, trucks and
earth moving equipment. This problem was largely overcome by careful
planning of equipment usage for each construction phase of each structure
with the aim of getting maximum utilization of equipment. This involved considerable movement of equipment between islands at each atoll in order to |
have it available when required, The work of the various crafts was scheduled
in accordance with the equipment usage plan. Appendix B lists $2,251,889.10
worth of equipment added for Operation CASTLE.
For the operation roll-up, a schedule of events was formulated as the

heavy construction period drew to a close. This plan included the return of

all unexpended equipment to Parry for overhauling, sandblasting, painting,
and application of preservatives to all moving parts before being placed in

storage. This was done in most instances,






Prior to the BRAVO event, reoccupation of Enyu and Eninman had been
scheduled. After the BRAVO event, the salvaging of personal effects had
high priority. The roll-up of equipment at these camps was somewhat retarded due to a bottleneck in interatoll transportation, All equipment not
needed forthe YANKEE test was removed from Bikini by 3 May. On 12 May,
the LSD BELLE GROVE arrived at Parry with the last scheduled load from
Bikini and the roll-up for that atoll was completed.


The roll-up for Eniwetok Atoll was completed by 20 May 1954. As of this
date a substantial amount of equipment had been repaired, overhauled and


mothballed. That which remained to be accomplished was the application of
preservatives to vehicles, generators and marine craft. All marine craft







Lan poe


. to this practice in the preparations for future operations.


preparedness was due to early evaluation of equipment requirements and

prompt procurement thereof. It is recommended that the Contractor adhere


This Operation presented a very tight construction schedule which was
further complicated by late simultaneous releases of many additional major
items of work. However, serious delays in the construction schedule were
averted by having sufficient numbers of suitable equipment on hand. This




remaining in wet storage will be kept in an operable condition and will be
operated at least once weekly.

Select target paragraph3