barge on which were installed a salt water shower system with necessary

pump and fuel systems and two 8-mantents; one for a dressing room and

stowage of clothing and the other for an office and radio-phone station,

In order to provide for continuous operations in the dock area at Eninman
after contamination (as a result of the BRAVO event), the area was cleared
of several inches of surface, All equipment required for operations at Bikini
which had become contaminated to an extent precluding operation without
overexposure was decontaminated by washing down until the level was reduced sufficiently to permit safe operation.
Airukiiji - Airukiraru islands airstrip, which was non-operational for
eight days due to wave-deposited debris from the BRAVO shot, was made
operational when radiation levels permitted TG 7.5 working parties to reenter the area. The wave from UNION also put the airstrip out of commission but it was placed in operational condition within three days after the shot,
Rolling stock, equipment and personaleffects were shipped from the Bikini area to Eniwetok for decontamination. The existing Rad-Safe facilities at

Parry Island, however, were taxed beyond capacity, especially in regard to
heavy equipment. It was therefore necessary to build an additional fenced-in
wash-down area on Parry, which was approximately 150 ft. x 200 ft. contain-

ing a 50 ft. x 50 ft. concrete slab for water run off. Fresh and salt water
lines were laid, and a boiler was installed to supply the necessary live steam
to clean off engine and chassis grease. Salt water was used for washing down
the contaminated equipment. TG 7.5 personnel decontaminated the equipment
without delay to allow the various Task Groups to make preparations for an

early return of their equipment to the Z.I,




In June 1952 the Field Manager requested the Contractor to prepare a report on probable facilities required on Bikini Atoll. This request resulted in
a careful study of construction equipment and other long delivery items for
the purpose of evaluating the capability of carrying on construction work at

two widely separated sites, Since reinforced concrete construction is one of
the major items in any operation, the requirements for large scale coral aggregate production equipment were finalized. Two rock crushing and screen-

ing plants were ordered and were delivered in March 1953. By April 1953,

the scientific construction scope was well defined for both atolls.


and locations were selected for material stockpiles, crushing plants were
placed in operation and concrete batching plants were set up. Coral aggre-

gate quarries were located at four locations on Bikini Atoll and at three lo-

cations on Eniwetok Atoll. Two crushing plants were assigned to Bikini and
one plant to Eniwetok; all three plants were in production inApril 1953.


ing this equipment available for an early start on this work was one of the
major factors in meeting scheduled construction completion dates.

LANL, J-Div.


Select target paragraph3