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In line with the comments made on the visitor problem, it is recommended
that appropriate JTF personnel attempt to devise a method of advance notice
whereby TG 7.5 can be better prepared to handle this requirement. In conofficial visitors being present without a need-to-know justification.

It is believed that Operation CASTLE has clearly indicated the desirability of establishing a Rad-Safe unit within TG 7.5 which would be readily
‘susceptible to integration with the Rad-Safe organization of the Scientific
Task Group during operation periods but which would still retain responsibility for the actions of TG 7.5 personnel. Therefore, the Field Manager,
EFO, will explore with the appropriate JTF element the possibility of maintaining the Field Manager's Rad-Safe group as a unit within the Task Force
Rad-Safe organization; this unit will continue in future test operations with
the responsibility of TG 7.5 Rad-Safe activities, including the maintenance .
of records. In this connection it is intended that.field supervisory personnel
of the Contractor would be trained to do their own monitoring and "policing"
of Contractor's personnel so that special monitors would not be required by
TG 7.5 working parties.


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junction, it is also recommended that the Commission review the matter of

It is the opinion of the SFOO that public acceptance of the Operation was
again handicapped by an unrealistic public relations policy. Accordingly, it
is recommended that public relations aspects of full-scale tests be reviewed
and that JTF elements, along with interested offices of the AEC, develop
for consideration by the DOD and the AEC a revised concept of public inhy

formation practices based upon known realities.


Select target paragraph3