periodically to do environmental monitoring, including what the instruments
told them and what is done to the samples that were collected when they were
analyzed in the U. S.

Such explanations permitted the Marshallese, as one

commented, to recognize the tremendous task that went behind the simple act of
sample collection or instrument reading.
a similar explanation was presented.

In the case of the medical programs,

It was indicated to the Marshallese that

many inhabitants of the U. S. could not afford the cost of undergoing such


examinations, and that they were fortunate in that eminent doctors did not
come to examine them each year.
The greatest assurance, however, came from the personal demonstration
that a scientist was willing to live with them and be exposed to the same
radiation as they were experiencing.
Proposed Expansion of Educational Program
The success of this initial personal, on-site, one-to-one educational
program, as conducted by the senior author, has prompted the development of
extensive educational program for the inhabitants not only of Rongelap and
Utirik, but also those returning to Enewetak and Bikini.

If presented, this

program would assist the people of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap and Utirik to
more fully understand nuclear radiation md

its effects, whereby giving them

the assukance that their unrealistic fears would be minimized and measures
aimed at preventive radiation exposure would be more effective.
key lessons learned in the initial progr~

One of the

was the need, as expressed by the

Marshallese, to educate them not only about radiation and its effects, but as
well about the most common pathologic conditions which affect them, e.g. , diabetes, high blood pressure, malnutrition, and dental problems.
by us that the BNL medical tem

It is proposed

would address these questions in the same for-

mat as the initial program, wherein a qualified medical personnel would stay
on the island and live with them.

In this way, the overall program would



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