whole square paper and what was left after tearing the paper for about seven
times brought home the fact that indeed radioactivity reduces with time.


understanding was further confirmed when the Marshallese commented on a
singular observation.

They had noticed that the clicking of the radiation

detection instruments had decreased so much over the years, since their observation of the first measurements with similar instruments in 1954.

It was

emphasized that the reduction in radioactivity with time is not the same for
all kinds of substances that give off radiation, but rather like the vegetation
on the island had different lifetimes. Another analogy which was developed
related the difference between the effects seen on themselves at the time of
fallout (epilation, burns, etc.) and the lack of obvious effects on them
today when comparison was made to the effect of the parasites on the breadfruit tree.

This visual demonstration, which they readily comprehended had

to do with the attack of a small number of parasites on a breadfruit tree,
yet permitting the tree to produce breadfruit, as compared to the effect of an
increased number of parasites attacking the tree, resulting in the total
absence of any breadfruit.

This example served to indicate that a lot of

radioactivity must be present in the environment to cause harm.

The parallel

to radiation effects seemed obvious to them in the light of the above examples.
During the implementation of the preliminary “in residence” educational Program, the need to develop analogies related to their daily activities and

was constantly kept in focus, since this method seemed to be the

most effective


to communicate the concepts of radiation.

The presentations of the environmental and medical programs were essentially
explanations of the role of these programs in relation to their continued
stay on the islands.

The first was accomplished by detailed descriptions

of the various activities of the scientists who came to their islands


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