The tentative agenda for a meeting with Trust Territory representatives prior to the Bikini field trip includes discussion of:



1969 survey results


1970 field trip


Future monitoring programs


Scrap metal survey


Peter-Oboe-Tare disposition

Release of Reports.

<A report of the results of the 1964 survey was pub-

lished in CONF-670503 Symposium on Radioecology, Proceedings of the
Second National Symposium

Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 15-17, 1967, "Dis-

tribution of Radionuclides in the Environment of Eniwetok and Bikini

Atolls, August 1964," A. D. Welander, College of Fisheries, University
of Washington, Seattle.

Certain results of the 1967 survey were published

in the Health and Safety Laboratory Report HASL-190, "External Radiation
Levels on Bikini Atoll - May 1967"
The report of the Ad Hoc Committee appointed in 1968 was part of

the Chairman's News Release of August 12, 1968, that discussed AEC's
role in President Johnson's decision to return the atoll to the Bikiniani::.
This news release advised the public that additional reports and analyses
on the environmental survey of 1967 were available in the AEC H Street

Office Public Document Room.

The draft reports on radiological aspects

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