



Exhibit A

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Mano to D, Fronan, 6/10/48, sudj: "Rediation Burns of J-2 Personnel” (Cont'd)


except that.

gelternated with.

{mn removing ths top

filter unite from the special lift. Also, the monitoring of the filter

paper holders was eliminated with the purpose of reducing exposure.

sejuently, .


' actually handled a greeter share of the filter papers

than he did during the yoke operation.

Bince ell of the men vho worked directly with the filter papers during

the zebra operation received beta burns on their hands, it ia pertinent to
mention the folloving:


Gloves were not available from the Rad Bafe mit for the rebra

operation. The gloves in our possession were thin cotton gloves and rubber
gloves. I explained the necessity for using the rubber gloves under the

cotton to the other men,




Three doren pair of each type of gloves vas avail-


changed gloves after working with the first tvo

After this I did not watch to see that the men chenged their gloves.


Tongs were not used at all by the men working with the filter

paper. I pointed out the toncs to the mean just before they started to ocollect the paper, for the purpose of being sure the men knsw where they vere.
It ia my opinion that the beta burns suffered by the men were dus
almost entirely to handling the filter peper without the use of tongs. It
is possible that contamination on the gloves from handling the filter units,
as well as exposure received during the ectual handling of the filter units,
contributed appreciably to the beta exposure. However, it should be emphasized that the surface of the filter units contained fer less active material
than did the filter papers themselves. In addition, the work performed by
Albright and myself necessitated our handling the filter units for longer
periods than the other men did. It is true that we changed gloves frequently, wo the possibility that contaminated gloves were a factor in promoting
excessive beta exposure to the hands of the other men cannot be eliminated.
After the yoke and rebra operations all of the men took showers and

changed their clothes.

Ho survey was made of alcthes until after this change.

The Rad Safe monitor checked the clothing of the man before they embarked
on the sample planes, The monitor also checked my hands. Wo apprecieble
contamination vas found in these surveys.



Clark (2)


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