Exhibit A
Page 3


Memo to D. Froman, 6/10/48, subj: "Rediation Burns of J-2 Personnel” (Cont'd)
I instituted a change in the sequence of events with the purpose of


lessening the exposure of the men. Whereas on X-ray day the filter paper
was removed from the top filter unit as soon as a plane had landed, om yoke
day the top filter unit vas removed and placed on the ground as the planes

landed, but the removal of the filter paper holders and the collectian of
the filter paper was deferred wtil after all the planes had landed. This

meant that work vith the first filter papers was deferred for approximately

one and one half hours, and consequently the radiation from the filter
peper at this time vas less by a factor of about three over what it would
have been if the X-ray procedure had been followed. In addition, the
monitoring cf the individual filter papers, while thsy were being held in

the tongs, was eliminated.

Instead, only one of the filter paper holders

was monitored. This was done by carrying an ioniration chamber to within
about one foot of ths holder as it rested on the ground.
During the yoke operation the work was divided. Albright anéd I pulled
the lanyards to release the top filter units as the planes landed. This

operation gave the greatest gamma exposure,

and Warren trans-

ferred the filter unit from the special lift to the ground. This operation
gave the second highest gamma exposure on yoke day, since the disassembly

of the filter units (which had been the second hottest operation on X-ray
day) was postponed until after ali the planes had landed.

After the planes had all lended, the top filter units had been removed

end vere on the ground, but the units had not been disassembled and the

bottom filter units vere still on the planes,

and I then velked

down the line of these filter umits and removed the filter paper holders.

We then walked from plane to plans removing the bottom filter units and
detaching the filter paper holders from each unit. After this, we left
to shower and change clothes.

end Werren followed

down the line of filter units and removed the paper from the detached


was present during the I-ray cperation and therefore

was asked to remove the first filter papers from the holders and dexamstrate the use of the tongs.

After this demonstration, most of the filter

papers were collected by Sattizahn and Warren, while

paper holders.

was collected.


monitored the

These men showered and obanged clothss as soan as the paper

' received beta burns on his hands during the yokes

operation, it is pertinent to point out that the use of tongs for handling
the filter paper was abandoned early in the yoke operation and the paper
was then carried by band.
Glovee vere again furnished by the Rad Safe unit end these were worn
and changed oocasionelly by the men.

The Zebra Operation.




Werren during the zebra operation. Otherwise, the personnel were the sane
es for yoke. The work was divided exactly as it was during ths yoxs opereticn,



Exhibit A



Select target paragraph3