Prosram Planning Alternative


mo could subsist in Bikini'ts present environment.



Cleanup and redevelop facilities to accommodate only the fcw returning

Nis is rejected because of the need to resettle and provide as suitable

en environment for all of the displaced islanders who have rights to Bikini
and who desire to return, not just the few who might be disposed to attempt
to survive uncer Bikini's present conditions.

and reconstruction progr

to accommodate all

to return to Bikini now,

those who desire

replant nq

Unéortake a



“nis is not recommended because newly planted coconut trees require
six to ten ycars of growth before they are sucficiently productive to provide
sudsistonce and an export crop of covra.

were resettled on Bixini

If all islanders desiring to return

at the outset of the replanting program, they woulda

neve to be subsi
Or economically desirable,


Replant the island; limit the nuwber of resettled families in the

first increment to those wno can be employca in construction, planting and
orchard maintenance,

Phase in other families in subseauent years.

The recomnenced resettlement prosram may be summarized as follows:

The main islands of Bikini and Enyu, which are those designated by the
Atenic Pnersy Commission consultants as teing suitable for return and redeveiop-

mint, chall be cleared of test activity debris ard cleared of scrub vegetation
co as tO Termit the replanting of the coccmut groves and otner food crops.


rscrip on Enyu will be renaobilivated and the few salvageable

Select target paragraph3