Beeause of growing populetion pressures and a shortare of productively

inhavitabdle land areas in the Marshalls, it is the obligation of the United
States to return to civilian uses any areas

which are excess to its needs,

The total land areca of the Marshall Islands is approximately 70 square miles,
With a 1967 population of approximately 19,000 the square mile ratio is 270.
Killi has a lend area of 0.36 square miles.

On the other hend, Bikini atoll

has a lend area slightiy in excess of two square miles.

Its lagoon erea is

totally disapncared; others are mere sund spits; still otners have been diminished

in size as a result of wave action; anc all nave suffered some loss of topsoil.
Other than tne main islands of Bikini and Enyu,

adiation Level that continuous napitation is nowt yet vossible and









condition precluces substantial agricultural development at this time,



and Envu are overgrown with a jungle-like stand of scrud vegetation which will
sustain neivner subsistence nor commerce.

ropianved to coconuts and other food crops.





their davaged

wivn the remains of the

This must be cleared and the isiand

Additionally, all islands are

testing programs.

These remains, some of which <«

angercus because of deterioration alone, some because of residual radioactivity,



they have a sufficiently high

and others because they would interfere with or preclude agricultural redevelopment,

must be removed before the Bikini tcople can be permanently recettled on

tne atall.

Nousing and community facilities are non-existent and need to be

Select target paragraph3