
vided by this section. Each such report shall include a de-


scription of the health status of the individuals examined and


treated under the program, an evaluation of the program by


the scientific advisory committee, and any recommendations


for improvement of the condition of such individuals. Thefirst


frequently if necessary, on the activities of the program pro-

such report shall be submitted not later than one yearafter
this section becomes law.”’.
Sec. 104. Except in cases in which the Federal pro-

10 gram is terminated with respect to all recipients under the
11 program, Federal programs shall not cease to apply to the
12 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, either before or after
13 the termination of the trusteeship, without the express ap14 proval of Congress.


Sec. 201. The salary and expenses of the government

17 comptroller for the Northern Mariana Islands shall be paid
18 from funds authorized to be appropriated to the Department
19 of the Interior.

Sec. 202. There are hereby authorized to be appropri-

21 ated to the Secretary of the Interior $24,400,000 plus or

minus such amounts, if any, as maybe justified by reason of
23 ordinaryfluctuations in construction costs from October 1979
24 price levels as indicated by engineering cost indexes applica25 ble to the types of construction involved, for a grant to the

Select target paragraph3