Twenty HASL TLD dosimeter units, each consisting of a
carefully selected individually calibrated low background
CaFe:Mn dosimeter and a LiF extruded rod

in a shielded

container were placed at several different sites on Bikini
and Eneu Islands, including many of the spectrometer sites
and a few of the NRDL TLD sites.
Another 30 of these units
were used as controls.
Some of these controls were left in
Honolulu and Kwajalein on the trip to the atoll and the rest

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were kept aboard ship.

Four were worn by two of us



times when ashore.
The large number of controls allowed us
to make very accurate measurements of the average background
exposure of the detectors for various stages of the trip.
A correction was also made for the background exposure rate
to the controls kept aboard ship during the survey.
careful experiment in the laboratory enabled us to account
for the

self-activation of the CaFze:Mn dosimeters due to *°oxR

in the glass envelopes of the units.
The resulting control
dosimeter exposures were consistent with the expected exposure

for the time the dosimeters spent on each stage of the trip


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and their location during that time.
The net exposure rates
determined from these data for the various field sites are
also given in Table 1.
Overall, the agreement is quite good
considering the small number of measurements, and the results
substantiate the overall consistency of the various measurements.
It must be kept in mind in interpreting all the TLD
results that the results of a single dosimeter placed at a
particular location may not be representative of the average
exposure rate over a larger area surrounding the dosimeter.
The dosimeter may not "see" the same radiation field as an
lonization chamber or scintillation detector placed a few
feet away.
This is especially true of many areas on Bikini
Atoll where local hot spots are quite prevalent.
Also we
are comparing a single measurement at a particular time. with
an average exposure per hour determined

from a 7


10 day

In general, all the TLD results tend to substantiate
the ranges and general trends predicted by the data from the

active instrumentation.

Select target paragraph3