Results of Calculations of External Gamma
Radiation Exposure Rates from Fallout
and the Related Radionuclide Compositions
Operation Buster-Jangle, 1951
This report presents data on calculated gamma radiation exposure rates and
ground deposition of related radionuclides resulting from Events that deposited detectable
radioactivity outside the Nevada Test Site complex.

The Events which deposited detectable radioactivity outside the Nevada Test Site complex! are
listed in Table. 1.

Results of the calculations of relative external gamma radiation exposure rate and related
radionuclide ground deposition are given in the Appendices. These calculations are described in detail in
Ref. 2. The output of the calculation has 30 decay times, 10 from 1 to 21 h, 10 from 1 to 300 d, and 10 from 1

to 50 y. For each of these times and for zero time there are values of the external gammaradiation exposure
rate normalized to 1 mR/h, 1 m above the surface, 12h after the event, the associated values of uCi/m2 for

each radionuclide, and the total wCi/m?.
The 233U, 235U, 23U and 299?40Py data were omitted primarily to keep the output unclassified.
Futhermore, the natural uranium contentof thesoil is about one million times that received from fallout and
at least half of the plutonium in Nevada and Utah soils comes from worldwide fallout.?
Surface roughnesseffects are simulated by using Beck’s values* of (mR/h)/(uCi/m?2) fora relaxation length of 0.16 g/cm?. According to Beck, the concentration of fallout varies exponentially with soil
depth, Z, according to the relation C = C,e?”, Hedefines relaxation length as 1/a.

Buster Baker

Yield, date and placement of Events of Operation Buster-Jangle, 1951.
Yield (kt)

Oct. 28

Air drop 1118 ft

Buster Charlie


Oct. 30

Air drop 1132 ft

Buster Dog


Nov. 1

Air drop 1417 ft

Buster Easy


Nov. 5

Air drop 1314 ft

Nov. 19
Nov. 29

Buried 17 ft

Jangle Sugar
Jangle Uncle





Select target paragraph3