


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

All holders of UCRL-53152, "Results of Calculations of External


Gamma Radiation Exposure Rates from Fallout and the Related
Radionuclide Compositions," Part 2, "Operation Buster-Jangle, 1951"

Technical Information Department


For purposes of clarification, the following information (underlined below) is
being added to your copy of UCRL-53152 Part 2:
Each Appendix contains 11 pages of calculated results relating to
one Event in Table 1.

Each set of 11 pages is marked Page 2 through Page

12 at the top and A2 through Al2 (or B2 through B12, etc.) at the

Page 2 of each set gives the external gamma-ray exposure rates

and associated values of total microcuries per square meter at 30 decay
intervals and at zero time.

Note that the totals at zero time include

only the nuclides listed in pages 3 through 12, not all the nuclides
present at zero time.

Calculated values for each radionuclide at various

decay intervals are given in the remaining pages--from 1 to 21 hr in
Pages 3-7,

from 1 to 300 d in Pages 8-11, and from 1 to 50 y in Page 12.

Unless otherwise indicated, the value for each nuclide at zero time is
the result of a radiochemical measurement.

The measurements were

performed on debris samples taken by aircraft approximately 1 to 4 hr
after detonation.

The production of nuclides designated by (*) has been

When no estimate could be made, the value appears as zero.

To incorporate this addendum, please staple or affix the attached page so as
to cover the existing Page 2 in your document.




Technical Information Department

An Equal Opportunity Employer University of California * P.O. Box 808 Livermore. Ceifornia 94550 * Telephone (415) 422-1100 * Twx 910-386-8339 UCLLL LVMR

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