



January 16, 1968

Sunday, December 10, at 5:00 p.m. I left Saipan and arrived
at Guam at 6:30 p.m. The next morning, December 11, at
8:00 a.m, departed Guam with Kwajalein ae destination,

After a short stopover at Truk, arrived at Kwajalein Sunday

at 4:00 p.m. December 10, again crossing the international

date line.

In Kwajalein following people were met:


Mr. Frank Granich, Bio-Med Support Contact, Global Associates;

Mr. Don McAfee, Manager for Global Associates;

Mr. Gene Sima, Operations Supervisor, Global Associates;
Mr. Walter Ownby, Kwajalein Liaison Officer, Trust Territory;
Col. Frank Healy, Commander, Kwajalein Test Site.
Mr. Granich went through the support requirements which they
were furnishing for the coming survey and stated all the items
that Dr. Conard had requested were ready on Kwajalein. The
water containera had been cleansed and checked. The boat and
motor had been checked out and were operable for use to and
from Ebeye. Mr. Granich made necessary arrangements for we to
go on to Eniwetok, via Northwest, and also a trip to Ebeye and

other islands on the Kwajalein Atolls.

A discussion with Mr. Ownby indicated that he was finalizing
his part of the arrangements for the forthcoming 3Bio-Med

Team's survey.

He indicated scheduling of the Army plane for

Trust Territory usage had been giving them problems and that
it might be well to look for some other back up transportation
for the team to Majuro.

At this time, Mr. Owby was trying to

schedule the Army plane for a trip to Majuro for some architects
from Honolulu and if successful, I could accompany them to

Majuro, This would result in an over night stop rather than
taking the scheduled Trust Territory plane which meant that I

would have to stay in Majuro for a week.

Mr. Ownby was not

successful in getting the use of an Army plane for this trip
ae the planes were being reserved for Army use only or for an
I left Rwajalein the next day and vent to Eniwetok. While at
Eniwetok I contacted Mr. Ed Pratt, Manager for Holmes & Narver.

We discussed the H&N support activities to the University of
Hawaii for operation of the Eniwetok Marine Biology Laboratory.

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C-318 (Rev. 9-53)


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Select target paragraph3