



January 16, 1968

The next morning, December 8, Mr. Libby picked me up at the
hotel and took me to Capitol Hill where the Trust Territory
Headquarters Offices are. The day was spent meeting and
visiting the Trust Territory people who were members of the

Survey Team and those furnishing support for the survey.

Mr. Libby introduced me to the following Trust Territory
personnel; Dr. W. M. Peck, Director of Public Health
Service Department; Mr. Harold Bernshock, Administration
Officer for Public Health; Mr. Lester Arentzen, Director of
Finance; Mr. William Sturgill, Director of Supply; Mr. William
RE. Norwood, High Commissioner; Dr. A, Hicking, Mr. Kosand
Mizutoni. The discussions held with the above people were
general and covered parts they played in participating in, and


supporting the Blo-Med Survey. Dr. Peck (Dr. Luke Howe's
replacement) stated that he hoped his schedule would allow hin
to accompany and participate in the forthcoming survey. I had
hoped to meet Mr. James Cook, Transportation Officer, but was
advised that he had passed away and his replacement had not

yet been moved.

Mr. Norwood was extremely cordial and offered his assistance

in assuring that I obtained the information and contacts I
desired. He reiterated his particular interest in getting
what information was available relative to the return of the
natives to Bikini. I assured Mr. Norwood that when any
information in this view was available, it would be passed on
to him. He also asked if 1 had any information relative to
Holmes & Narver hiring a token number of Ujelong natives as
euployees at Eniwetok.

I advised Mr. Horwood we had no

contract relationship with the Holmes & Narver people at

Eniwetok since the work there was under the Air Force, but

I had heard that H&N personnel people were discussing the

hiring of some of these natives with the home office in Los
Angeles, so possibly something may come of the discussion.

Mr, Libby was most hospitable and spent considerable time in
giving me an orientation in the part the Trust Territory

personnel played in the Blo-Med Survey.

He amplified this

data with considerable information of the Trust Territory
and in particular the Marshall Islands.

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Form AEC-818 (Rev. 9-53)


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