ysis of 137, Four person ‘visited onne’from:Rongelap’andjip,addition, pooled urine samples from.‘both atolls were analysed radiochemically for Pore} IN and 5, GATEDos YOVARA oTlotés dardif oan pheOE 13 Sf (s3aK nt Os Subsequent Brookhaven National Laboratory expeditions by members of deosede baer 1 teh OVAHE coll. bodauvotob anw ,ssinee © ivan add ol 1 the Medical Department |and. Safety and Environmental Protection Division utilized: ate Sete oo Pac eriegra Soe oarlitey elloin betsdeda!d po roidenimesanoa Se . whole body, counting and radiochemical analysis of urine and blood:samples to leune we , "ad ottch becuf om bar PeQRAR IKBIS alg 4 ABW OGTESY betenion identify and quantify the radionuclides that were present in the body.- The re- mer asgnn ss sb Teo esas bauty Yo gees yal doidw elloth AisisW ban (ti sults of these radiological measurements are given in terms of body burden in seared cs Tables | apd 2. SOMO ed dteiv vilsittnts yqriesaof no tuolfet sat c.astim & Ot mage Teint on anw sb ety tnetxe ada ng tin) and those which are accepted for use with the SI for the time being. Vee Bae py et ' Tproughout this paper the units of quantities are 81 derived| A es:sqok Jeo atugsbteor Ae sat acer Lf Horvat Thus both. i _ the: Curie and the Becquerel may be used as units for the quantity: activity. a |, WE “pM nl PU RU ORY ot vibosa BBN catia hit wipe The aforementioned body burden tables illustrate adult:mwean values for ete Adoamvitl Rongelap and Utirik. Poet of age. aie ve ‘ .996tq Woo male einestiesr Masa Arie An adult, as classified here, was @ person over 16 years rng yG 1 Oty dt a3 wel NODE.“YAY VIOVS Ser. The._mean body mass in this age interval was 60 kilograms. The observ Poe aenet sd co Ioumisaysd alt ve bosineyta yas f. body mass versus age distribution is shown in Figure 1 for Rongelap residents, SPIVOIN - SOROD ISLE ARMIO Weve EF Haw wore: The, same body mass versus abe distribution was observed: at Utirik. Tha. tint 6s _ ancereg via to ny dass! wilt on 0 . Because of the paucity of measurements at Ucirik,: information on ae ceo eg eet g@ yee tgeccy pris Co, . en, and 73 Fe was in some instances derived from the tatio of adult mean body.aa a burdens between Rongelap and Utirik. burdens for 65 ~“Zn, 90 Sr, and 137 fay ls Hey A mean ratio of 2. 6 was obeerved in body Cs after they reached their maximum values. (ores ia standard deviation of this ratio was 15%. meet re f Th ‘ok “ft . tervals, in conjunction with contemporary dosimetric models,are used”to esti= © é Co mate internal dose. Dosimetric distributions were constructed frow the results — f, and a summary of the derived activity ingestion rates and dose equivalenis was sorbe. Wager provided for various subgroups of the population. . , Additionally, exposure rete roe. 1 history curves were constructed for each atoll for the period following the an ADU "eet toe 2 ite SUEee SE ee 2 at at. : - Site